Health & Safety: Conserve Energy & Save Money This Winter

Before your furnace kicks into full action, there are steps you can take now to spend less on energy throughout the winter.

In Ontario, natural gas continues to be the most affordable choice for heating the home. While rates do change from time to time, natural gas continues to provide the best value – costing less than half the price of electricity and oil today, and is cheaper now than 10 years ago.

Did you know that typically about 60 per cent of our annual natural gas use takes place during the winter months? Since you only pay for what you use, reducing natural gas consumption can help lower your bills.

Here are some simple ways to help keep those energy dollars in your pocket:

• Clean or replace natural gas furnace filters every three months, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Dirty filters restrict airflow and force furnaces to work harder.

• Use a programmable thermostat and lower the temperature inside by three degrees C at night, while out for the day, or on vacation.

• Keep heating vents and registers clean and clear of obstruction by items like furniture, draperies, and area rugs.

• Seal cracks and drafts around windows, doors and electrical sockets with caulking or weather stripping.

• Find out if you qualify for free, low income, energy efficiency programs, such as the Home Winterproofing Program offered by Enbridge.

Additional information is available online at

Also, be sure to check out or earlier blog post called Weather proofing to keep the hot air in and the cold air out!

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